Weaving human wisdom and intelligent technology together, Suchi Reddy's interactive artwork me+you is an emblem for a positive future of co-evolution with technology.

Artist Statement

Technology has brought us great knowledge, but it is our self-awareness around our engagement with it that can shape our co-evolution. me+you is created through combined strengths, as an enduring cultural artifact of collective balance and a symbol of the power of the individual in shaping that balance.

Visitors are invited to speak a single word describing their future into the "mandalas" or clusters of lights at the center of the installation. Using open source AI technology, the artwork reflects back a unique kinetic mandala as a reflection of the word, based on the emotion that both the word and the speaker's voice indicate. Visitors' collective vision for the future is also displayed as a constantly evolving digital artifact on three screens that form the backdrop of the physical work, a metaphor of balance between individual agency and collective responsibility.

me+you highlights the emotional quality of human engagement with our context. It stems from a belief in the power of art and design to generate equity in our culture through the quality of the experiences we create, and the wellbeing and sense of connection and agency that they can amplify and foster.

me+you is on view in Michigan Central’s South Concourse through December 2024. The sculpture is fabricated with the skill and expertise of Workspace 11, located in Powerhouse Arts.

This digital experience is designed with Hovercraft Studio, with music by Sacha Mendel.

Michigan Central Station

Michigan Central is an innovation district located between the historic neighborhoods of Corktown and Southwest Detroit. Anchored by a vibrant and inclusive 30-acre campus, this growing community serves as a powerful convening place and a call-to-action to build the urban transportation solutions that advance a more sustainable, equitable future.

Featuring a state-of-the-art mobility hub, retail, multiple outdoor plazas, and 1.2 million square feet of commercial public space, Michigan Central aims to attract local and global visitors alike, spur economic development and jobs, and organize investment in new technologies. Our world is facing large, complex challenges, and we believe that no one company can solve these challenges alone. That is why we adopted an open-platform model that connects start-ups with established companies, government entities, and innovators to collaborate and fast-track solutions.

Building on Detroit’s rich history as an engine of change, design and innovation, Michigan Central is also deeply committed to strengthening our city through involving residents in the conversation and helping Detroiters learn the skills they need to land the in-demand jobs of the innovation economy.

© Heather Hazzan

Suchi Reddy

Born and raised in Chennai, India, artist and architect Suchi Reddy immigrated to the United States at 18. Traveling the country and living, and working in eight states, Reddy developed a keen sense for the similarities and differences that bind communities together. Her artistic practice takes root in her architectural training with its expression as public sculpture and experiential work. She tackles issues of societal engagement using art and experience to create discourse around subjects with both local and global relevance. Her work engages material innovation and interactive technologies in the service of expressing ideas around the power of community.

A distinguished alumna of the School of Architecture + Community Development at the University of Detroit Mercy, in 2002, she founded her award-winning New York-based firm, Reddymade. The firm’s guiding principle is "form follows feeling," a design ethos informed by neuroaesthetics, the study of how the brain responds to the design of our surroundings. Reddy serves on the Dean’s Advisory Board at Detroit Mercy School of Architecture + Community Development and she is a 2023 Spirit of Detroit Mercy: Alumni Achievement Award recipient and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at GSAPP at Columbia University.

Visit me+you at Michigan Central Station

me+you is on view in Michigan Central’s South Concourse

Open House: June 7–16
me+you is presented through December 2024
2001 15th St, Detroit, MI 48216
Follow us on Instagram @meplusyoudetroit


More than one word?
Contact us for media inquiries and additional information.


Julia van den Hout
PR, Reddymade
[email protected]

Visit the Sculpture

Michigan Central Station
2001 15th St, Detroit, MI 48216
View Map


me+you is an interactive exhibit, meaning that it responds to participant input. You may submit voice recordings or text entries to the exhibit, and me+you will use artificial intelligence processes to understand the meaning and the sentiment behind your contributions. The semantic and sentiment interpretations for each contribution will be used to inform me+you's understanding of how all participants are feeling, and to determine if those feelings change over time.

How will my contributions be used?

We will only use your contributions for the purpose of providing the exhibit.

Can I be identified with my contribution?

No. Your contribution will be kept separate from any data that could identify you (for example, an IP address).

How long do you keep my contributions for?

We delete voice recording and text contributions to me+you within 24 hours. We will keep non-personal semantic and sentiment interpretations of your contributions for the lifespan of the exhibit.

Terms of Use

Before participating in me+you, please read these terms, the AWS Privacy Notice, and the AWS Site Terms, all of which apply to your use of the exhibit website. If you break these rules, or if you do anything to negatively impact the exhibit or other participants, we may terminate your access to the exhibit. In particular, please remember that this is an educational exhibit; you may not tamper with the site or attempt to bypass any security measures.

We may change or discontinue the exhibit at our discretion, and may update the exhibit rules and terms from time to time. If you continue to use the exhibit after an update, those updated rules and terms will apply.

Today the world is feeling

How do you see your future?
Give me one word.

Read aloud with the phrase and complete the sentence to submit your word

Press pause to stop submission and stop to confirm submission

Type text to submit your word

Press pause to stop submission and stop to confirm submission

Press begin to submit audio

Speak one word to
describe your future.

Please click "Allow" to access your microphone

Read and respond with a word to speak your future.

Couldn't connect to your mic

Please refresh the page and try again. Check your browser settings to ensure you can use your microphone.

Something went wrong

Your word was not recognized.
Please try again.

Click the start button
to speak your future

My Future Looks...



My Future Looks...

Something went wrong

You were interrupted from submitting your word.

Something went wrong

Your word was not recognized.
Please try again.

Connection unavailable. Check back soon.

Waiting on the world to let us know how it feels.

Help is available

We care about you and your vision of the future. There are steps you can take to keep yourself safe through a crisis. Call any time 1-800-273-8255 or connect online with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to get support.

View Resources

The way that you're feeling
is now influencing
the world.



The way that you're feeling
is now influencing the world.

The world is feeling ...

Someone is feeling:


Tap and hold to share.
Don't forget to tag #MePlusYouDetroit

Download your response to share.
Don't forget to tag #MePlusYouDetroit

Actions & Config

Microphone levels

Mic status: n/a

JSON out

AWS Data In

Socket Data To Sculpture

Response time:

JSON out